EnviroSim is excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. www.envirosim.com goes live today, Friday June 14th, 2013.
One of our main goals was to build a user-friendly and simple to navigate site. The fresh new look incorporates a low-hierarchical navigational structure, and has been updated with the latest information about our products and services.
www.envirosim.com will be updated on a regular basis with new events, software upgrade announcements and other content. The ordering system has also been upgraded, so you should find the new purchase process streamlined and intuitive.
Please take a moment to take a look around. You'll find :
- an updated order interface
- informational and instructional videos
- BioWin Advantage archives
- updated FAQ
- online registration for upcoming courses
- and much more!
If you experience any problems using the new website, or if you have any suggestions, please do contact us at info@envirosim.com.