August 2023: Four-Day BioWin Training in Washington

EnviroSim has scheduled 4 days of BioWin Training in Olympia, Washington August 22 – 25, 2023. There will be a 2-day Introductory Course followed by a 2-day Advanced course. Includes 16 hours of instruction per course, course manuals in PDF form, supplemental BioWin course files, and a certificate of completion.

The most efficient way to get new users up to speed is through the intensive Introductory training course “Setting Up Whole Plant Models” which covers BioWin and also touches on various process engineering topics.

The advanced BioWin course is designed to cover a range of topics on application of BioWin. The assumption is that the majority of attendees are “experienced” BioWin users, or have completed the Introductory Course.. The primary objectives are to provide information on certain model details, and to cover a range of example applications of BioWin.

LOTT Clean Water Alliance Boardroom, in Olympia WA
500 Adams Street NE
Olympia, WA


  • Lunch, coffee, and snacks will be provided.
  • Temporary BioWin training keys will be provided to those who require them.
  • EnviroSim will not provide computers – attendees must bring their own laptops.

Please direct any questions to

Chris Bye is the Vice-President of Software with EnviroSim Associates Ltd. Dr. Bye has over 30 years of experience in wastewater treatment including process design and equipment selection, full-plant modeling and model development for biological nutrient removal, and wastewater characterization and kinetic studies.

Dr. Bye has been with EnviroSim Associates Ltd. since 1998. Chris leads and supports consulting projects for analyzing process options for design, assessment of process capacity, analysis of capacity limitations and development of model-based tools for specific plants. During his time with EnviroSim, Chris has been actively involved in the development and application of the latest version of the BioWin wastewater treatment process simulator. Dr. Bye also has been involved in the development of rapid methods for measurement of nitrifier maximum specific growth rate. In addition, Chris participates in the development and delivery of EnviroSim training courses.